HAY is an app that asks, How Are You? It helps to enrich individual wellbeing, allows businesses to stay connected with their people, and lifts company performance.


HAY is a place to ask questions, share ideas, keep people in touch, keep a finger on the pulse and uncover concerns. HAY will allow you to get ahead of small problems before they become big ones.


HAY isn’t an employee thing.

People and company thing

When wellbeing-related issues and underlying causes are addressed there is a positive knock on effect for your company. 


Not just a wellbeing app.

A new whole of business communication channel.



Whether it's employee onboarding and induction, personal development or seeking a better understanding of employee sentiment, HAY is a quick and friendly way to understand how your people are coping, how they are adapting and how they are feeling. 


HAY enables team members to deliver timely and relevant feedback to key stakeholders regarding timings, potential problems, team cohesion, individual satisfaction and expected outcomes. HAY is your trusted project management assistant that identifies small problems before they become big ones.

Supplier feedback

Delivering transparent and frequent feedback between supplier and internal teams helps to ensure all parties are happy with the level of service being supplied. HAY provides a greater level of transparency, tracks performance in real-time against agreed KPIs and identifies incremental improvement opportunities.

Wellness Overview Dashboard

Wellness Overview Dashboard


Ready to enrich individual wellbeing and lift company performance?